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Chronicles of Tomorrow: Echoes from the Future — Ep. 9

4 min readJul 9, 2024


Buried Pieces of Past

Recap (Ep 8)

15th May 2355,

Right now, I am sitting on my couch, yep, it is my couch. I guess I am still shaken over the past few days’ events. Nothing better than a glass of single malt to get over jittery nerves. I stumbled across this bottle of scotch on my recent “excursion”. It says aged 18 years, Mfg 6/2040. What an irony, 2040 was the year when I started planning for the current situation. I guess it’s a prize for a job well done.

I am insanely lucky for still being alive. Considering everything I have been through for the last couple of days, it is surprising that I still have this grin on my face that refuses to leave. I guess it’s because I finally got to see the effect of thousands of months of research and training.

Everything transpired after I decided to take a walk in the past. The discovery of that crater near that destroyed settlement sent everyone at the Center into a tizzy. I wrecked my brain for over two days to come to the conclusion that until and unless I check our records, I won’t be able to understand the reason behind the radioactive crater. I had to search for the existence of any nuclear plant that existed near Cold Fields. The region near the crater and sensor NE223 was named Cold Fields because of its flat terrain and insanely low temperatures. I can’t imagine how the currently dead, erstwhile survivors survive in that environment.




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