3 min readDec 6, 2024

My Life Before and After Joining the Gym

I used to be very fat. In class 10th I weighed more than 60kg at 5’2″ height. I didn’t care much at that time though I never realised that I was not confident enough. I lost some weight when I moved to class 12th but that didn’t change anything much. After 12th I prepared one year to get into IIT. It was then when I started seriously working out. I had a pair of dumbbells at home and I started with them. Every day in the morning. I was amazed at the energy I had while studying. I had also gained a lot of confidence. I had not joined a gym at that time. The next year I cracked IIT. It was difficult finding time for exercise the next two years. It was third year when I seriously felt the need to join a gym. So, I went ahead and joined the gym in the campus.
It was difficult lifting weights initially. A few weeks later I started liking it. I looked forward to workout sessions. I had my gym instructor make me a workout routine and I stuck to it. My strength increased along with my confidence. Then I switched to weightlifting. I started doing heavier deadlifts and squats. It always brought me a sense of calm. Then I got to know about this online trainer from Canada, Omar Isuf. He changed the way I looked at workouts. I followed his routines and benefitted from them at a massive scale. He made me feel good about myself. I will remain indebted to him forever.
Now, whatever I do, I do with confidence. I don’t shy away from risky ventures. I have started my own educational institute and regular workouts give me the energy to do my job efficiently.
This is a pic from 2016:

At that time I could deadlift 110kg and could squat with 90kg on my shoulders. This year hasn’t been very good regarding workouts but I have continued with it as much as possible. My deadlift did increase to 120kg and squats to 100kg. It still feels great whenever I do it. It calms me down a lot. The health benefits? I fall sick rarely. I can work sometimes when I am sick. I can feel that my body has become much stronger. Last time I had an accident, I ended up with scratches, some deep. At an average, people break their bones in such cases. Exercise has even helped me heal faster than it used to take prior to the time I started lifting weights. This is all I can say regarding my experience with gym. However, on the other hand, you have to be very careful about your posture in the gym. Bad posture can lead to very serious problems. One of my juniors slipped 3 disks in his back. I almost slipped one. Now I have managed it, thanks to strict discipline.

Now, I am 38. I do yoga regularly, along with conditioning exercises. I have continued with weightlifting but still stuck at the old PR. I have better stamina though even though I smoke regularly.


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