I have been asking this,
Since a long time
I can’t remember when
It seems ages when I started wondering
Who am I
Time flies by
But I don’t feel a thing
Years have been reduced to
Mere rotations of Earth around the Sun
I feel ageless
I feel strong
I feel I can do
anything I wish to
Am I losing my mind?
Have I finally understood
How this universe works?
Fate is laughing at me
As I write these lines
But fate has spoken only in irony
Irony extends itself when
I read other men far better than
I can read myself
What is this curse?
Is it a boon?
What is this gnawing feeling
That urges me to move
To achieve things that
Mere mortals can’t
I don’t despair anymore,
I am at peace
I can just feel a soothing tremor
Sages say, time tells everything
But what happens
When you stop feeling
The flow of time
I don’t feel old
Neither do I feel young
I find darkness and light
Coexisting inside me
Everyday feels like a beginning
Yet when I look back
I find ages have passed
Why do I feel
That I have to live
Even if everything else
In this world has been destroyed
Why do I feel
I have to live
Even if only
The emptiness remains