Why I don’t care about a stranger’s opinions.
Today's internet is overloaded with information.
People get confused and form weird opinions without investigation. Investigation is important.
Understanding cause and effect is important.
Unfortunately , most people care about convenience and that is detrimental to the society at large.
Most people believe that they know the best and that’s massive ignorance.
“Knowledge is ever-changing and esoteric. To know everything, one has to be immortal.” ~ timepersonified
Mass solipsism adopted by today’s generation keeps them away from ground realities.
The world is different from different perspectives. A person needs to understand that fact.
Given the widespread confusion and ignorance arising out of it, opinions from strangers are never reliable.
I verify procured data from multiple independent and nonrelated sources and then come to a conclusion.
Basic concepts of life are scientific, always applicable and any opinion that goes against basic concepts is to be ignored.
For eg, a few weeks ago, I had an argument with a person pretending to be a friend over the increased aggression among stray dogs in certain Northern states of India.
He did acknowledge the large number of attacks on strays by humans.
He was not ready to understand that animals have brains and they can think for themselves. They teach their offsprings. So, what is stopping them from teaching the puppies that “two legged animals attack without reason and you need to be on guard”? Now, this argument is not"scientifically proven”(western backdated myopic science). So, I’ll come up with hard data that western science loves to munch on.
As it happens, Northern states of India have the lowest ratio of stray dogs to humans. They have the highest complaints of aggressive behaviour by dogs.
Eastern, North eastern states have a much higher ratio of dogs to humans but least number of attacks by dogs.
Only one correlation can be drawn from this data, more stray dogs have died by the hands of humans in Northern states than in Eastern states.
Isn’t it common sense that dogs in Northern states will be more aggressive against their killers?
All humans are designated under the same specie even if they have devised baseless belief systems to create divisions.
So, any other species will see all humans as the same. It’s only logical.
But, as I said, humans pride themselves on having the best of everything and yet refuse to use reasoning.
How can their opinions be reliable?